Archive for abril 2015
It's been a while!
Wanted to make a quick post about the game I've been playing recently which is Blizzard's MOBA (although I heard they don't like the term) Heroes of the Storm (HotS, yes it abbreviates just as Heart of the Swarm).
It's really fun!! I think I still have a couple of beta keys left that I was given by blizzard when I got access to the beta. So, if anyone wants one of those feel free to leave a comment or email me.
I feel like team play it's more important in this game than it is in LoL, but hey, I haven't played nearly enough Legue to claim that it's true. It's just how it feels to me.
The map quests are too important and I feel that promotes a lot of team battles and movement through the map.
Also, on March 31st the closed beta for Legacy of the Void (the 3rd expansion for Starcraft II) was released, I still have no access to it but I sure as hell signed up as soon as I knew, I'll just keep my fingers crossed I guess.
I've been watching some games played by White-Ra and Rotterdam's stream and you can tell it's on a very early development stage, it seems way too unbalanced even to an amateur player like myself. But oh well, it's still a closed beta that will go on for most likely more than a year so who cares, I'm sure Blizzard will make it work.
Anyways, that would be it for now, it's nice to write here from time to time... I wonder what I'll be writing next time...